11:00 ........ Practical Exercises
12:00 ........ Lunch/Debriefing
13:00 ........ Practical Exercises Continued
15:00 ........ Debrief/Review
Format may change due to special circumstances All sections will be covered for the appropriate time to ensure credits.
The overall goal of this program is to improve rescue efficiency at a farm scene accident and thereby positively impact patient outcomes. Because agriculture is one of the largest and most dangerous industries in the state, the objective of the MAARS training is to improve responders awareness of agricultural accident hazards and rescue techniques. Objectives include understanding why agriculture is a dangerous industry in Michigan and training on methods that will be most effective in this unique area. Due to the nature of the industry and the likely accident scenarios, this training will also provide useful training for chemical contamination and equipment-related accidents on golf courses, construction sites, chemical storage locations and other hazards that may be found in urban areas or that involve chemicals or heavy rescue.
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The program is set up for about 20 students to participate in a two day class.
The training will be conducted on location where machinery can be accessed, and includes lecture and discussion. Hours of extensive hands-on practical exercises and table-top exercises that simulate accident scenarios. An area farm tour and hands on practical exercises involving real farm machinery, manikins and staged instructors is also part of the class.
There are 16 continuing education credits available. These are set up on a class to class basis as some are customized for your department and requirements. We are able to bring some equipment with us, depending on your location and the available equipment you are able to obtain.
Operational and Advanced Classes are Available